
The map of our Galaxy keeps getting better

On 3 December 2020, ESA makes public the newest map of our Galaxy. It is based on almost three years of observations collected by the Gaia satellite.
This Early Data Release 3 (EDR3) contains the highly accurate position and brightness of a staggering 1.8 billion stars. It includes stars that are a million times fainter than what can be seen with [...]

Soapbox Science: women scientists in Belgium speak about their research live on social media

On Saturday October 10, from 2 p.m. to 5:10 p.m., seven women scientists in Belgium will tell you about their research during the first Soapbox Science event in Brussels, which will be exceptionally held online due to COVID-19.

Soapbox Science is a science outreach initiative that aims to promote the visibility of women scientists and their research by bringing them on the [...]

Véronique Dehant, winner of a FNRS Quinquennial Prize

On 14 September 2020, the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) awarded Véronique Dehant, researcher at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, the Dr. De Leeuw-Damry-Bourlart Prize in Fundamental Exact Sciences, one of the FNRS Quinquennial Prizes. These prizes reward researchers from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
Link (in French): [...]

December 2019 confirmed as starting point of the new solar activity cycle

The reference date and amplitudes of the minima and maxima of the 11-year solar cycle are established on the base of the sunspot number maintained and distributed by the SILSO World Data center since 1981 at the Royal Observatory of Belgium.

Over past years, the rather weak cycle that had peaked in 2014 has been progressively declining, heralding the approach of [...]