
Véronique Dehant, foreign associate member of the Académie des sciences of Paris

The Académie des sciences of Paris has nominated on 22 March 2016 15 new foreign associate members. Pr. Véronique Dehant, scientist at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, figures amongst them.
Véronique Dehant is responsible for the Operational Directorate “Reference Systems and Planetary Science”. She is also Extraordinary Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain. She was or is involved as Principal [...]

Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) ready for launch!

This is it: the solar telescope EUI is ready to be mounted on the Solar Orbiter satellite. Solar Orbiter will be launched in 2019 and will approach the Sun closer than any other satellite ever. Because of its close approach, EUI will be able to make exceptionally detailed images of our star. These will enable scientists to unlock the secrets [...]

Every person is a seismometer!

If an earthquake is felt, one can report his experience to a national seismological institute (e.g. or to international institutes such as the EMSC or USGS. Unfortunately, if an earthquake is felt across borders, felt earthquake reports will be submitted to different institutes leading to a fragmentation of the data. In a new study published in Solid Earth, an [...]

Brexit 1.0: scientists find evidence of Britain’s original separation from Europe

Researchers of the Royal Observatory of Belgium and of the Ghent University, in collaboration with English and French colleagues, have found evidence of how ancient Britain separated from Europe, nearly 450,000 years ago. They reported it on 4 April 2017 in Nature Communications. The process, which occurred in two stages, was triggered by the spillover from a proglacial lake followed [...]

Passing of Jan Cuypers, Astronomer and Astrophysicist

It is with deep regret and sorrow that we inform you of the passing of our colleague Dr. Jan Cuypers. Born on 5 May 1956 in Diest, he suddenly left us on 28 February 2017. Jan was the head of the scientific service “Astronomy and Astrophysics” and of the Information Service at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. [...]

Galileo goes live

On Thursday December 15 the European Commission declares officially the start of the initial services of the Galileo system. [...]

ROB Goes Social!

The Royal Observatory of Belgium has now its Facebook page and its Twitter account. [...]